Apakah Blended?
Pendekatan blended learning menggabungkan metode tatap muka kelas dengan aktivitas komputer-dimediasi untuk membentuk pendekatan instruksional terpadu. Dalam, materi digital masa lalu telah melayani dalam peran tambahan, membantu untuk mendukung pembelajaran tatap muka.
Sebagai contoh, pendekatan dicampur untuk tradisional, tatap muka saja mungkin berarti bahwa kelas bertemu sekali per minggu bukannya biasa format tiga sesi. Kegiatan belajar yang seharusnya terjadi selama waktu kelas dapat dipindahkan secara online. Sampai sekarang, tidak ada konsensus pada satu setuju-upon definisi untuk blended learning. Halaman Resources berisi mengutip beberapa artikel yang memberikan definisi. Selain itu, istilah "blended," "hybrid", dan "mixed-mode" digunakan secara bergantian dalam literatur penelitian saat ini. Untuk keperluan Blended Learning Initiative di Penn State, istilah "blended" lebih disukai.
Why Blend?
goal of a blen
d approach is to join the best aspects of both face to
face an
d online instruction. Classroom time can be use
d to engage
dents in a
d interactive experiences. Meanwhile, the online portion of the course
can provi
de stu
dents with multime
dia-rich content at any time of
day, anywhere the stu
dent has internet access, from Penn State computer labs, the coffee shop, or the stu
dents’ homes.
This allows for an increase in sche
for stu
In a
ddition to
flexibility an
d convenience for stu
dents, accor
ding to research share
d at the ALN Conference Workshop on Blen
d Learning & Higher E
ducation November 17, 2005, there is early evi
that a blen
d instructional approach can result in learning outcome
gains an
d increase
d enrollment retention
learning is on the rise in higher e
ducation. 93% of higher e
instructors an
d a
dmin say they are using blen
d learning strategies
somewhere in their institution. 7 in 10 expect more than 40% of their
schools’ courses to be blen
d by 2013
How to Blend?
Tidak ada aturan di tempat untuk menentukan apa perpaduan yang ideal mungkin (Bonk referensi). Istilah "dicampur" mencakup kontinum yang luas, dan dapat mencakup integrasi tatap muka dan konten pembelajaran online. Campuran tatap muka dan materi online akan bervariasi tergantung pada konten, kebutuhan siswa, dan preferensi instruktur. Lihat bagian situs ini berjudul Strategi Pengajaran untuk informasi tentang memilih perpaduan yang ideal dan merancang kursus dicampur.
Strategies, tools and resources
Goal |
Classroom Learning
Communication between teacher and students |
- Full group lessons
- Small group lessons or tutorials
- Individual conferences
- Marked assignments and rubrics
- Full group lessons
- Small group lessons or tutorials
- Individual conferences
- Marked assignments and rubrics
- Digital course materials
- Online discussions
- E-mail
- Instant messages
- News announcements
- Online calendar
- Dropboxes
- Online grade tool
- Rubrics
- Digital course materials
- Online discussions
- E-mail
- Instant messages
- News announcements
- Online calendar
- Dropboxes
- Online grade tool
- Rubrics
- Web conferences
Collaboration among students |
- Learning centres or other room arrangements
- Class discussions
- Face-to-face group work
- Learning centres or other room arrangements
- Class discussions
- Face-to-face group work
- Online group work
- Online discussions
- E-mail
- Instant messages
- Blogs
- Electronic portfolios
- Online group work
- Online discussions
- Chat sessions
- E-mail
- Instant messages
- Blogs
- Electronic portfolios
- Web conferences
Demonstration of learning |
- Paper-and-pencil tests and assignments submitted in person
- Live presentations, labs, performances, or exhibits of skill
- Models, works of art, posters, and other physical artefacts submitted in person
- Paper-and-pencil tests and assignments submitted in person
- Live presentations, labs, performances, or exhibits of skill
- Models, works of art, posters, and other physical artefacts submitted in person
- Blogs
- Electronic portfolios
- Online discussions
- Online surveys and quizzes
- Assignments, such as essays, worksheets, slide shows, photographs, and videos submitted to electronic dropboxes
- Blogs
- Electronic portfolios
- Online discussions
- Online surveys and quizzes
- Assignments, such as essays, worksheets, slide shows, photographs, and videos submitted to electronic dropboxes
- Web conferences
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